Messianic Vision
We envision a vibrant and meaningful connection with Jewish and Christian tradition—one that redefines how Messianic Judaism is viewed in the world.
We envision a vibrant and meaningful connection with Jewish and Christian tradition—one that redefines how Messianic Judaism is understood and practiced. Our community is dedicated to rediscovering the wisdom of rabbinic thought while embracing the Mashiach (The Messiah), who remains at the heart of this sacred tradition.
Create a bridge between Jewish tradition (G-d’s covenant) and the ancient Christian traditions (Gentiles). We encourage a rediscovery of Jewish wisdom and a revelation of the Mashiach (The Messiah) who forever remains at the core of that tradition and the inclusion and observation and understandings of the New Testament.
The Mishnah (Hebraic commentary on the Torah) teaches us that “the world stands on three things:
1. On Torah
2. on Service (Avodah),
3. and on Acts of Loving Kindness (Chesed).” (Pirkei Avot 1:2) We seek to reinvest Loving Kindness into our study and action of Torah in our lives, and in our Service to Hashem )meaning “the Name G-d”) as we cleave to Him.
Investing in Torah [side widget: What to expect at fellowship]
At the core of our gatherings is the weekly study of Torah. As we immerse ourselves in the divine words given to Moses, our understanding of scripture deepens. For generations, many have sought to grasp the Messiah of the Gospels without first embracing the Torah that shaped His life. Yeshua didn’t replace Torah—He perfected it, showing us the way through his own devotion.
Scripture exists to challenge and elevate us, urging us toward a more perfected world. We engage in the timeless dialogue of teacher and student, drawing from the wisdom of Jewish sages—those closest to the transcendent revelation at Sinai. Their insights heighten our awareness of Torah’s connection to our very souls.
In this ongoing conversation, our knowledge of Mashiach is woven into every discussion. His life is the ultimate example of Torah in action, reflected in both His teachings and His boundless compassion.
Service from the Heart
The Torah declares, “You who cling to G-d, you are all alive today.” (Deut. 4:4) We seek to honor this truth through traditional Jewish worship—expressed in Hebrew, English, and song. Worship is more than a weekly practice; it is a way of living, keeping us constantly aware of the Divine presence surrounding us.
The Loving Kindness of an Open Hand
Torah teaches us not only how to help one another but how to truly relate to each other. As we study Torah and engage in Avodah, our faith is empty without love and kindness. True Torah understanding is reflected in our relationships, shaping both our practice and our hearts.
Because every person is created in the image of G-d, the way we treat others is a reflection of our love and reverence for Him. True devotion cannot exist apart from human decency. By embracing acts of loving-kindness, we embody the very essence of Torah and Avodah, bringing G-d into the world.